Ugly Beauty World Tour Taipei – Day 5: setlist, pictures, fancams ! / Ugly Beauty World Tour Taipei – 5è jour : setlist, photos, fancams !

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🇬🇧 Tonight was Ugly Beauty World Tour 5th concert at Taipei Arena.

There was no guest. Jolin performed 我 I along with several ballads: 假裝 Pretence, 非賣品 Priceless, 我知道你很難過 I know you’re feeling blue, and 妥協 Compromise !

She also opened her heart during a talk:

“Lots of fans often tell me ‘You are strong and you give us a lot of strength.’ Actually, you don’t know, sometimes I’m very scared too, there are also times when I am unsure.
When I’m afraid, like you, I hope to hear a word of encouragement. The voice of your support gives me strength.
Actually, I’m not as powerful as you think. I hope no one notices when I make a mistake, I go to work and I think about getting off work, I think of traveling when I’m working, I think of working when I’m traveling, sometimes I get very confused.
I am able to express myself by writing in a diary, so this concert comes from my emotions and my diary, it’s my own theme. I want to share it with you, I’m just like you, there are strange, ugly things in this head. In this concert, there are many stories of my state of mind. In addition to watching this concert, I also hope that you can be brave enough to get a glimpse of yourself. You are actually stronger than me, you guys give me strength. Thank you all.”

Jolin Tsai – Ugly Beauty World Tour

Tonight’s setlist included 42 songs.

Act I: The Orphan
1. 惡之必要 Necessary Evil
2. 甜祕密 Sweet Guilty Pleasure
3. 騎士精神 Spirit Of The Knight
4. Miss Trouble

Act II: Unconscious Desire
5. 紅衣女孩 Lady In Red
6. 美人計 Honey trap
7. 美杜莎 Medusa
8. 特務 J Agent J
9. 大丈夫 Real Man
10. Mr Q
11. 愛無赦 Bravo Lover

Act III: Unhinged
12. 大藝術家 The Great Artist
13. 野蠻遊戲 J-Game
14. 愛情36計 36 tricks of love
15. 睜一隻眼 閉一隻眼 Overlooking Purposely
16. I’m not yours

Act IV: Innocent Minds
17. 日不落 Sun Will Never Set
18. Don’t Stop
19. 腦公 Hubby
20. 說愛你 Say I love you
21. 你也有今天 KARMA
22. 迷幻 Fantasy

Act V: Disclosure
23. 倒帶 Rewind
24. 天空 Sky
25. 你怎麼連話都說不清楚 How Can You Not Even Speak Clearly
26. 愛的羅曼死 Romance
27. 如果我沒有傷口 Vulnerability
28. 檸檬草的味道 The smell of lemon grass
29. 我 I
30. 假裝 Pretence
31. 非賣品 Priceless
32. 我知道你很難過 I know you’re feeling blue
33. 妥協 Compromise
34. 消極掰 Life Sucks
35. 布拉格廣場 Prague Square
36. Love Love Love

Act VI: Heroic Emergence
37. 舞孃 Dancing Diva
38. Dr. Jolin
39. 看我72變 Magic
41. 玫瑰少年 Womxnly
42. 怪美的 Ugly Beauty


我 I

假裝 Pretence + 非賣品 Priceless + 我知道你很難過 I know you’re feeling blue + 妥協 Compromise

舞孃 Dancing Diva

Dr. Jolin

玫瑰少年 Womxnly + 怪美的 Ugly Beauty

怪美的 Ugly Beauty

Jolin is taking on the challenge to hold 6 concerts in Taipei in one week for the first time, from December 30th to January 5th (except for January 2nd).

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s report !

Taipei – 12/30, 12/31, 01/01, 01/03, 01/04, 01/05

Kaohsiung – 11/20, 11/21, 11/22, 11/27, 11/28, 11/29

Taipei – 04/21, 04/22, 04/24, 04/25, 04/26, 12/31, 01/01, 01/02, 01/06, 01/07, 01/08


Shanghai7/29, 7/30


Nanning 8/12







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