Jolin is GAP’s new spokesperson in Greater China, & appears on cover of So Figaro China / Jolin est la nouvelle ambassadrice de GAP en Grande Chine, & apparaît sur la couverture de So Figaro Chine

🇫🇷 Version française page 2.

🇬🇧 Jolin has been appointed as GAP’s spokesperson in Greater China (Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong) for the brand’s 50th anniversary !
The slogan of this advertising campaign is “Celebrate The Individual In You”.

In 2011, Jolin participated in their campaign “Let’s GAP together”, which was pairing Western artists with their Eastern counterpart.

Jolin x American singer Usher

Jolin is also on cover of So Figaro China May issue ! Shooting was made in Milan when Jolin attended Fashion Week there.

Jolin appears on Chinese show Challenge You, performs 8 songs at event in Taipei, is on cover of BAZAAR China June issue

On May 25th, Jolin made an appearance on Chinese show 芭姐挑战你 Challenge You !
It’s a “star beauty reality show”.

On May 31st, Jolin performed 8 songs at 富邦人壽107年業務表揚大會 AAP Fubon Life Insurance 107-year Business Recognition Award Conference AAP in Taipei !

电话皇后 Phony Queen | FANCAM
日不落 Sun Will Never Set | FANCAM 1 | FANCAM 2
天空 Sky | FANCAM
舞娘 Dancing Diva | FANCAM
第三人称 The Third Person And I | FANCAM
倒带 Rewind | FANCAM 1 | FANCAM 2
美杜莎 Medusa | FANCAM

Click on the picture below to access the photo album !

Jolin is gracing the cover of BAZAAR China June issue with a photoshoot by Chen Man (the one behind PLAY regular edition‘s photoshoot) !

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Jolin shares some information about her new album in NYLON China, records a new song, attends Namie Amuro’s concert and gives her a cake

Jolin is on cover of NYLON China magazine this month, she shared some information about her upcoming album in the interview:

► The new album is expected for this year,
► 3 or 4 songs have been recorded,
► The new album should feature 11 songs with completely different styles,
► Each album presents what Jolin likes at the moment. She’s been studying brain science and reading many books about psychology, and even reading 庄子 Zhuang Zhou to understand herself better and prepare the new album, so it should be her most honest album ever !

Click on the picture below to access the photo album !

Speaking of the new album, Jolin recorded a new song yesterday with NESE (PLAY我呸 PLAY‘s composer) ! These pictures originally come from Downtown Music Studio’s Facebook, but they have deleted their post since then.

Click on the picture below to access the photo album !

Jolin’s new album is still expected for this year, a Tour is supposed to follow in 2019.

After recording a new song, Jolin went to Taipei Arena in order to attend Namie Amuro’s concert ! Namie Amuro is performing for the last time in Taiwan on May 19th and May 20th as part of her Finally farewell Tour (she is retiring in September 2018).

Click on the picture below to access the photo album !

Jolin offered Namie a cake backstage, check it out below !




Jolin says in the attached text that she’s not satisfied with it, and even thought 2 days ago to throw it away.
She thanks 皇后陛下 Your Majesty which helped her bake the cake, and finish the part she couldn’t finish herself.

She thanks Namie as well: “Thanks to Namie for coming again. I cherish this accidental friendship. I was very happy to be ‘attacked’ everytime by her smile. I hope she will always smile brightly and her life will continue to be wonderful. I love her”.

Jolin also posted a picture of her and Namie with the cake: “Although I look calm, I was very shy when the goddess saw my cake !! (old and still shy haha)”


Jolin and Namie Amuro’s friendship started 6 years ago when Ge Fuhong (a Taiwanese producer and agent, she co-founded with Jolin her label Eternal Music) arranged a meeting between them (pictures HERE), after Jolin attended Namie’s concerts in Taiwan in 2004 and 2009.
The first time they met they chatted casually and got along, which resulted in the collaboration I’m Not Yours in 2014. Namie also appeared in the MV and was a guest performer at Jolin’s PLAY World Tour the year after (this performance can be seen on PLAY World Tour DVD/BD).
Jolin sent a basket of flowers when Namie came back to Taiwan in 2016 for her LIVEGENIC Tour (pictures HERE). Back then Jolin learned that Namie loved Baumkuchen, so she bought her one which was given to her backstage.

Jolin appears in Nyûsu Show (French show), is on cover of Harper’s Bazaar HK, ranks #1 for PLAY World Tour DVD/BD 4th week

Very unexpected, Jolin appeared a few days ago in a French show airing on J-One (a French channel dedicated to Asian culture) !

It’s in French obviously, but I translated everything into English:

Host: She’s beautiful, talented, and committed. Jolin Tsai is an extremely popular Taiwanese artist. Her music, her fight for women’s rights but also the pretty amazing cake she baked for Tom Cruise make her a media icon. We met her in her country, in Taipei more specifically, to know more about how she perceives music, her commitment to the LGBT community and how she perceives women’s status there. An uncensored interview in which we got quite a lot of little surprises but unfortunately, we can’t provide you a 10-hour long interview. Ok, let’s go.

Jolin: Hello my name is Jolin Tsai. How are you doing ??

Voiceover: Sometimes in show business, calling someone a superstar is not enough anymore. A 20-year career, 13 albums, more than 25 million copies sold, hundreds of awards, Jolin Tsai is already a C-Pop legend. Inspired by American divas such as Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Beyoncé, the woman nicknamed “the Chinese Madonna” has imposed her reign and her showmanship.

Jolin: Earlier on when I debuted, and even before that, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey were part of the first Western artists that I discovered, so I used to sing their hits sometimes in singing contests or in competitions I was participating in. Once I performed on stage, and once I really started performing in concerts, Madonna became one of my role models, dancing-wise in particular. Another one of my inspirations comes from the book Pride & Prejudice. I used to see it like a common love story. But today I am aware of the social and psychological dimension of this book. When I am starting new projects or when I am trying to have a new take on things already there or habits that I have, I can sometimes be lazy or demotivated. But where I also have an incredible luck is that I can count on an exceptional team and entourage, they always incite me to excel myself. However, when I decide to start something I commit myself 100%. And that is what I want to give to my fans. I would like to convey to them this will to pursue their desires as far as they can, in order for them to put aside their doubts that can damper them.

Voiceover: Ranking amongst the richest Chinese (celebrities) on a regular basis, Jolin Tsai is one of the most influential people worldwide. An aura that the Taiwanese artist chose to use to serve social and humanistic causes. We most notably saw her provide her support to the LGBTQ community. An even more admirable commitment when we know how much some Asian countries can be fearful when it comes to these matters.

Jolin: A lot of my fans but also a lot of co-workers of mine are part of the LGBTQ community. Since I spend a lot of time with them, it was obvious to me to use my voice to support them. And I am glad that my songs could inspire them. In the end, making music and writing songs, it is not for fame and money. What matters is to know how we can change the lives of people who are listening to us. And that is my biggest motivation as an artist. I think nowadays Asian countries have become more tolerant towards homosexuality or towards the LGBTQ community. In the past there has been lots of conflicts and hatred about this. We could see or hear terrible news item. Today the handling of this matter and particularly in media has changed a lot. As if love was finally becoming the priority once again. We are learning once again to treat everyone equally. And I am very proud to commit myself to this cause and to be able to show my support.

Voiceover: Pushing the boundaries of her solidarity commitment, Jolin is now tackling the defence of women and their rights. A message which could resonate far beyond her usual listeners now that the star is collaborating with world renowned producers and DJs. Head in the stars but her feet on the ground, Jolin Tsai just continues to listen to her heart.

If you are more into watching than reading, Jolin Fans Club & 依林520@YouTube used my softsubs and uploaded the video on their YouTube channel.

Jolin is on cover of Harper’s Bazaar HK March 2018 issue ! The last time she worked in such a cold environment was on the set of 假面的告白 Fake Confess MV.

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PLAY World Tour DVD/BD ranks #1 on 5music for the 4th week in a row !


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